Stellantis Media Site SRT Motorsports ALMS Post-Race Quotes - Round 8 - COTA  Contact: Matthew  Simmons Adam  Saal Bill  Klingbeil SRT Motorsports ALMS Post-Race Quotes - Round 8 - COTA  September 19, 2013,  AUSTIN, Texas - Jonathan Bomarito – No. 93 Pennzoil Ultra SRT Viper GTS-R (Qualified Sixth)HOW WAS YOUR QUALIFYING SESSION? “Good for the most part. We’re not starting where we want to be. We ended up P6. We were hoping for more. We learned a lot about the Viper throughout the day in rain conditions. It was a success to have so much time running in the rain because we just don’t have a lot of data racing in bad weather. Every time that you have a day like today (rain) you’re learning curve improves significantly. This is the first time that we’ve qualified in the rain so all the information that we can gather it’s good.”HOW IS THE VIPER IN RACE TRIM? “Really good. I’m hoping for a dry track tomorrow. We’re closer to the pace in dry conditions. Either way we have a good car, good drivers and we’ll stay clean.”HOW MUCH WILL SLOWER TRAFFIC BE A FACTOR TOMORROW DURING THE RACE? “You’re going to have to be patient all day. The GTC cars are slower and it’s tough to pass them in the esses. You’re talking about eight corners and three or four seconds per lap if your can’t find a line around them. If you catch a GTC car in the wrong spot it really hurts your lap time. Our Vipers are fast in race trim. I think we have a great car for race day.”Marc Goossens – No. 91 Rush SRT Viper GTS-R (Qualified Ninth)HOW WAS YOUR QUALIFYING SESSION? HOW IS YOUR CAR HEADING INTO RACE DAY? “We were struggling in the last practice in the wet conditions. After Le Mans we haven’t had a chance to run the car in wet conditions. Today was the first time that we’ve really had race conditions in the rain and we’re learning a lot. We made a big change in setup for qualifying and it helped. We’re still looking at tire selection, tire pressures versus our competition and how we can improve our grip platform in the rain.”ARE YOU HAPPY WITH YOUR RACE PACE IN DRY CONDITIONS? “I’m never concerned about the Viper’s race pace in dry conditions. Our SRT Vipers are fast in normal, dry conditions. My only concern is if we get some rain because we just don’t have all the data yet. If the weather is dry tomorrow we have a car that will compete for a podium and race win tomorrow.”-- 30 --