Download Print Special Report: FCA Canada Fact Sheets University of Windsor / FCA Canada Automotive Research and Development Centre Fact Sheet Location: 3939 Rhodes Drive, Windsor, Ontario Site: 93,000 square metres Employment: 800 positions History: Opened in May 1996 with a $30 million (CDN) investment, it was the first partnership of its kind in Canada that linked industry and academia. With a total Research and Development spend in Canada now exceeding $1 billion, the ARDC benefits all partners. The facility is equipped with six road-test simulators, proprietary software development and a range of research and development support facilities. Research Areas: Vehicle and System Level Durability Emissions and Fuel Economy Elastomer Characterization Automotive Lighting Research Steering Column and Component Development Steering System Durability Testing Design Engineering including Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Vehicle Safety Advanced Digital Tools Automotive Corrosion Research Vehicle Seating Systems Development Brake Systems Development Vehicle Ride and Handling Development Engineering Research Laboratories: Vehicle Dynamics Simulator Lab Vehicle Structural Development Lab Automotive Lighting Research Facility Elastomer Characterization Lab Steering Column and Component Lab Automotive Corrosion Research Lab Steering System Durability Test lab Vehicle Seating Lab Chassis and Brake Development Lab Educational Partnerships: Founding partner - University of Windsor (Windsor, ON) McMaster University (Hamilton, ON) University of Waterloo (Waterloo, ON) Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy) Université de Sherbrooke (Québec) McGill University (Québec) ARDC